Thursday 18 February 2010

First Day

So i am at the local weight watchers meeting and when i step on the scales i nearly faint! no word of a lie, i knew i was big and had gained weight, but are you serious can i really be 15stone 7lbs? How can it be? well i guess the first step of my journey is going to the meeting. I am giving myself 1 year to lose 7 stone. Its a sad situation as i have cancelled a trip back home to san francisco as i feel ashamed to see my family looking the way i do, thats the reason i want to the meeting in the first place to see what the actual damage was and support to get myself on the path to skinny town, or atleast healty village.

I am 28 years old soon to be 29 on saint patricks day, i work as a support worker and am at university studying to be a social worker. I live with my witty housemate who is very health concisouse so i guess living with her helps! I have a good support network around me that consists of friends they understand my struggle with my weight and how unhappy i am. Even though i am not happy about my weight i am in general a very bubbly and happy person.

I have joined a gym, its not great i am so tired after 30min of cardio but i manage to swim 10 laps, hopefully with time my fitness level will increase. I went this morning at 8am and did 30min cardio, 11min on the powerplate, 7mins in steam room then 10 laps in the pool. It was refreshing and i enjoyed it, i am now planning on going every morning monday to friday weekends are my day of gym rest.

I have manged to eat better also so today i had oat so simple of brekki, lunch was 2x crispbread, salsa and jelly, snack was a philly light splendips thai sweet chilli and dinner was spinch, mushrooms with a sea food mix. On weight watchers all of that is 11points and im allowed 23 so i have loads of points still left. Not sure if its good or not but can save some points for a roast dinner on sunday yummy!!

Well thats all for me today as i am so tired so i want a nice hot bath then to snuggle down with a good book. Until tommorow my fellow bloggers.

Do what you do but do it in your own original way